Sabby, DK, and Alex came over in the morning. As we watched Star Wars Episode III to kick off the holiday season (o_O), Sabrina determined that frosting and marshmallows are a lovely combination of sugar and preservatives.
We built our graham cracker houses with sour straws, jujubes, and zours to our hearts' content. Yum. Observe our little village and all that accompany it.
So after that bit of fun was over, I headed over to Mikie's for our annual gift exchange and celebration of stupidity and lack of common sense. Spent the night with these three cool kids.
Santa made us run around the house to find clues to our presents.
Saaya: "Be the hook."
After enjoying some lovely pasta, we played Pictionary. I swear, Brian and I let the girls win XP
and other random fun stuff happened. More games, awesome gifts. Good food, good company, good day.
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