Started it off with Nikki and headed out to the Torrance Art Museum. I had a friend who worked on one of the exhibits so I decided to check it out. Definitely interesting. Definitely worth checking out. It's called the Maize Project. Every kernel of the ear of "corn" has the personal effects of someone in the artist's life. Go check it out. Admission to the museum's free, so watcha got to lose?
There's also this Marco Casentini exhibit. Very colorful. Very pleasing to the eyes. Reminded me a lot of Piet Mondrian's work.
Drove out to L.A. to check out the Masakatsu Sashie exhibit "Under Fluorescent Light" at Giant Robot 2. This guy paints his entire childhood memory in little condensed spheres. I like the's fun to pick out all the little details in the paintings...cup noodles, cigarettes, vending machines...
Not really all that important, but GR2 has the coolest shaped rubber bands, amongst other strange knick-knacks and useless (but amusing) junk.
Looked through all of the uselessly awesome junk there, then walked over to Giant Robot 1 for more loitering and amusing books.
I love the little sketch book they have lying out for people to doodle in. Observe.
We left our own little mark in it too. Guess where...
Let's see...drove out to find the elusive little place called MILK in Beverly Hills. Ended up taking this picture instead:
For the record, I cannot take these freaking myspace pictures. Got this on my 10000th try.
Oh and just kidding. We found MILK.
MILK happens to have amazing Brownie sundaes that are thick, rich, thick, and rich. Did I mention they were rich?
Yum. No. Yummmmmm.
And lovely little Red Velvet Cupcake Poppers for $.50 each!
Notice the preemptive bite mark. I couldn't wait. The little things just looked too damn appetizing.
and the tiniest caramel apples that I've ever seen. Hand shown for reference.
So after eating it, it turns out that the tiny "green" apple is just an unripe red apple. How disappointing.
Got fat, then drove towards the highlight of the night. But random little thing: The intersection of La Cienaga and Venice is infested with "Madagascar 2" billboards. Like...6 or 7 altogether o_O
And then...the best part of the night. One of my favorite places in the world:
The Ernie Watts Quartet was freaking sublime. I got totally lost in the rythm...and each of the four was an amazing musician in his own right. They were definitely together, but each guy was in his own little world, moving to the beat in his own way, rocking out to a solo every once in a while. Amazing.
The virtuoso himself: Mr. Ernie Watts.
He said something very interesting: "Life isn't digital. It's analog. Think about it, but don't think about it too much." Digital's sharp. Beep. Beep. Beep...but analog...analog melds together...flows like water. It's like...the whole day seemed like a series of random events at first, but thinking about it now, the entire thing melded ever so nicely. We went from one place to another, the spirit of the whole day carrying over to the next place we went, adding up until it reached a peak with the beautiful rythms of the Ernie Watts Quartet. Analog, indeed. Thank you, Mr. Watts.
we need more days like these for sure
ReplyDeleteand it WILL happen soon!
-silent movie
-ANOTHER trip to melt
-LACMA for the vanity fair portraits
we need more days like these for sure
ReplyDeleteand it WILL happen soon!
-silent movie
-ANOTHER trip to melt
-LACMA for the vanity fair portraits
Way to have like 10 pictures that don't work... -.-
ReplyDeleteWay to have like 10 pictures that don't work... -.-