So yeah, went as the March Hare along with the Mad Hatter and, of course, Alice!
Mmhmm. We're awesome.
So yeah, here are some pictures of the particularly interesting costumes.
Three Monkeys
Juno and her Beau
The best group in my opinion, Snow White and the Seven Dwarves!
Guess what he is. Seriously, just guess.
Staredown with Mother Teresa. Get it?
and these short little cool kids.
Anyways...then school ended.
Every time we drove by these, Sabrina made us stop and admire them. That, we did.
and then Sarah gave me this nifty little balloon at Marukai...
And we munched on lovely little milk tea popsicles
It's Halloween, and Tree's reading Kite Runner. What a good kid XP
Sabby and Tree trying to cram for SATs. Ha. Funny.
Alex enjoying a nice fall breeze...I think.
AUDREY Hepburn! Get it? Ha!
Trick or Treat! Second curtain flash is funnnnnn :D
I got all excited whenever I saw a pumpkin carved like Jack Skellington. What a geek.
Kissy kissy face!
We're photophobic. That word has "pho" in it twice, therefore it must be an amazing word.
So yeah, that's Halloween. I'm surprised that I'm already home. How strange...
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