Thanks love. Twas a wonderful way to start my day.
But anyways, back to the school day. Bio was lame as usual...actually managed an A in that class. Talked to a couple people about signing up for Boys'/Girls' State. They'd be missing out...
Went to ASB for an intense final involving games, eating, and bitter goodbyes. But it was also Mrs. Hildreth's birthday, so we bought her a thinking cap since she's doing so much of it on our behalf...
har har.
Had to say goodbye for now to these cool kids, who won't be on ASB second semester. What a shame...
Gonna miss em. Hope I see them around.
But we didn't want to be all mopey and stuff, so we ate. and ate. and ate.
Gooey pizza...
and Kelly's amazing cupcakes that I think I've mentioned at least 20 times by now.
We played Catchphrase (Team 2 owns you in the face). People get pretty intense. Others just can't seem to talk under pressure XD
and, for old time's sake, we played a good number of rounds of Boom-Chicka-Boom-Boom. Ironically, most of ASB can't play it for shit. I guess the mess ups are what make it fun. Johnny busting out some Michael Jackson on us...oh. and you should've seen Jerek. What a beast.
Finished up the food and games, said our goodbyes, went to get some Mama Ramen with these cool kids.
Oh man, and I had just eaten pizza, breadsticks, cupcakes, and cookies, too. But I was still hungry. Shoyu Ramen, fried rice, and gyoza, baby. Yeah.
The bowl of steaming carbs...
and the tasty sides.
Didn't want to go home quite yet, so the three of us sped on over to TAM to get some culture in our heads. Tree had fun with my camera during the drive. Proof:
awkward face.
But the museum had this whole series on LA city streets. For instance, there was a bit on aerial shots of the city with model trees rising from every spot an actual tree would be. Doesn't make sense? Go to the Torrance Art Museum and see for yourself.
Totally Beverly Hills.
Now, it's common knowledge that tilting your head to the right automatically makes art look better. We sought to find the optimum art-viewing pose.
The more you tilt, the better the art looks.
And there are some other exhibits that I don't feel like writing about right now, but just take my word for it when I say they're kinda awesome.
and one last picture of my fellow "art experts."
well that was my day of finals. Difficult, huh?
I'm off to Disneyland tomorrow. Woot.
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