First off, I'm proud to say that I have my baby back. I headed out to Samy's to pick up my repaired 30D. Damn, I missed that thing. The one that Samy's gave me as a free rental was nice, but it lacked my kickass neckstrap and eyecup. Plus, it was missing the dents that I've put into the thing when I crashed into the wall in front of Mueller's (on several occasions, mind you). Oh, and Samy's extended my warranty by a year. Now that's service.
Anyways, I scoped out this restaurant/deli called Canter's since it was up the street from the camera store. They had some nice mini chocolate chip cookies, but I had just eaten lunch so I didn't stick around too long.
Went back home, only to head out to LA with Nikki a few hours later. The most fun part of the drive to LA is definitely talking to her. We have very interesting conversations. Very interesting. So after my GPS deleted all of my restaurant addresses, we decided to just go to Canter's and eat there. It was alright, I suppose. I got a chocolate shake (which I'd been craving all day) and a Montecristo. The Reuben looked amazing, though. Next time.
Lotsa bits of ice in this thing.
Montecristo goodness. Tasty, but not as good as the one at the Blue Bayou. Alex, Ashley, Mikie, and Saaya all know what I'm talking about. No one does it like Disney.
After enjoying a lovely meal, we drove over to the Billy Wilder Theater at the Hammer Museum in Westwood. Turns out some rich guy gave a ridiculous grant to the museum to create a theater. They did.
Those are the actual light fixtures on the ceiling and wall.
We watched a double feature of silent films: His Nibs and While New York Sleeps, preceded by a short called The Four Orphans. It's quite fun to see how exaggerated the actors perform, seeing as they cannot convey their emotions with words. Also, it must have been easy to write dialogue when there was none.
Silent films are quite interesting, to say the least. I think I've found another vice of mine. Oh, and the theater had some awesome bright red chairs.
As we drove out of the parking structure, we were met by a stampede of bikers at 11 at night. I have no idea what the deal was, but I'm guessing UCLA had some random event. Those crazy college kids.
It was amusing...some cops drove up to the intersection and angrily yelled at the bikers to obey traffic laws and to not act like assholes in general. Har har.
There you have it - another day in my life. Thanks for stopping by.
Oh, and they're playing old movies from the 20s and 30s until mid-February. Do yourself a favor and check it out, please. You might benefit from it.
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