But anyways. My Friday was filled with brownies. Tree brought some in the morning, which I proceeded to steal from her and munch on for first through third period. Then in ASB, it was Jen's prebirthday! So we had more brownies.
oh baby.
and then some other stuff happened, then some other stuff, and it finally ended up being time to get ready for Black and White. I was enjoying a lovely nap when people actually started arriving to Mikie's house. Dangit.
So we took pictures before we left.
The lovely ladies.
Jordan and his cancerous tumor.
Us. and those orange shoelaces were genius. They're like...signs that scream "I'm RIGHT HERE!!!" Makes it almost impossible to lose people that way. Nice.
and I just threw this one in. I thought it was nice.
The the four cool kids who are too sheisty to rent a limo, so they carpool.
It rained. and rained. and rained. Ashley and I had the lovely insight to put our jackets in coat check, then decide to ride the Calico Mine Train. This necessitated running to the ride in the rain. Oh, the fun. Also, the dance took forever to get going. And it didn't really get to the level it usually does, at that.
And so the dance ended on a particularly high note. We trekked back to the car, and for the most part knocked out on the drive home. Took Ashley home, said goodnight, headed over to partake in Fat Night with Tree, Emilaaaay, and Sayo. They made good bread and other tasty treats. Thank you, madams. Watched part of Kung Fu Hustle, massaged my thighs, said goodbye to the cool baking kids, headed home.
Planned on doing some stupid teenager things and such, but we were all too damn tired. Ray, Sarah, and Jen came over. We toasted to Jen's turning 18, and bitched about school and all that. Ha. We're lame. And then I slept, and what a nice sleep it was.
I was woken up by a much appreciated text, then got ready to head out on a food adventure. Where?
The City of Culver City. Redundant? Possibly.
Ate at this place:
Chosen by Los Angeles Magazine as the best fried chicken of 2008.
I would have a hard time disagreeing. The chicken was moist, as was the catfish. The batter could have been a bit more seasoned, but it was light, airy, and crispy. Oily, but not overly so. The fries were crispy on the outside and soft on the inside, with a great amount of crunch. The biscuit was melt-in-your-mouth good and went great with some honey. Please, go if you get the chance.
Fat and happy, I wandered outside and into this place: the Wonderful World Art Gallery. Photography was prohibited, so here's a picture of the sign.
They had animation cels and originals from my childhood: Peanuts stuff, Disney, and a couple of paintings done by Dr. Seuss. What a gem in Culver City. I must go back!
And that was the interesting part of my weekend thus far. Fun, fun, fun.
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