Like iceblocking.
Yes, sit on a block of ice with a towel separating your ass and the chunk of frozen goodness beneath you. Freeze your butt, slide down a hill, fall, laugh, repeat.
We raced and raced, crashed into each other, laughing all the while.
Chris liked this one because it made him look buff. Ha.
And we had one of our last rolls of polaroid, only to realize that the entire roll was dead. What a downer.
Can't wait to do it again.
Now, fast forward to early February, when Emilaay, Alex, Nicolet, and I went to the beach after the rain. Of course, we had to convince Emily's madre that we wouldn't catch colds and die in the cold weather. Ha.
But yes, the weather is quite nice after a rainfall. The billowy clouds with rays of light peaking through...wet sand sloshing beneath your feet...puddles galore to jump in at your heart's content. How lovely.
You must believe that the spoon will reveal to you something that which do not already know. Contemplate, then believe.
And then, we got churros :D Because why else would you go to the pier?
And before I go, one last thing. A polaroid that I randomly took around school one day. A 2 second composition, with little thought put into it. But when the polaroid slowly began to develop, I could feel my excitement mount. I held in my hand my favorite polaroid of all time. Something about the juxtaposition of the delicate flowers and the hard metal sign and fence just got to me.
I guess I'll post Class Comp pictures later.
your photos never cease to amaze me.
your photos never cease to amaze me.