So here's how it works at Flossie's. You walk into a tiny little restaurant with blacked out windows that seems like a super-condensed Lucille's on the inside. For a set price, you get your chicken or catfish, 3 sides, drink, and a dessert. I got fried chicken, corn pudding (odd), mac and cheese (very thick and hearty), some random other crap, bread pudding, and cornbread (a bit tasteless). My favorite thing: they only had lemonade, iced tea, and Kool-aid for drinks. No soda, no nothing. How kickass is that?!
I still feel that Honey's is better. Flossie's reminded me too much of KFC, with a very grainy batter but still delicious. The amount of food given was also probably enough to feed two people on a bad day, or one hungry person on a good day. Not a particular favorite of mine, but it's local. Meh.
Sooo, now that college acceptances are out, it's time for College Sweaters!
Just kidding. Sabrina had this before she got into UCLA...but now it has more significance methinks. Notice the awesome nails.
We were a good Congress :D
Aaaand the Tan Man's legal! So what else could we do but celebrate his birthday with Kelly's ASB cupcakes..?
And another creepy-ass thing in ASB...a faceless doll with Jesus in it. Huh..?
This was pointless. I just found it amusing.
And my face is no longer naked! Goodbye indecency! Headed out to K-town to get my Wayfarers refitted, because I was stupid enough to step on them and twist the frames. Afterward, I went to some Chinese restaurant in the Galleria. I hate restuarants with untranslatable names. Mandarin Cafe, perhaps?
I also hate foods that don't have good-sounding English equivalents.
Ja...ja...myun? Something like that. I should just type it in Korean.
I think that most of my posts lack a coherent train of thought. They're more of compilations of random vignettes from my day. Well, hope that's bearable for those out there who actually read this.
oooh. vignettes.
oooh. vignettes.