Anyways, the Kogi truck came out to Torrance today. Since when did people call Torrance "T-town?" Weird. Seems to be a college kid thing. Anyways, after Ashley sent a timely text letting me know how to get there, Tree and I arrived to see a line already forming. Considering the truck had yet to arrive, I wasn't quite sure how people knew where to line up. Maybe they just did, and the trucks followed the people. That would definitely make sense.
Well, considering Ashley was the one who introduced me to the Truck, it's about time she got to try it! >_<
I'm quite certain that she enjoyed it thoroughly :]
Aaaand the funny Korean guy taking orders wrote Tree's name in quite an interesting way. No extra vowels or irrelevant letters. I wish all words were spelled with this sense of efficiency XD
On to the fruits of our labor: Kalbi, Spicy Pork, and Tofu tacos. Spicy Pork Burrito. Did a kogi dance and sang Jizzed in My Pants with DK. Such an appropriate song for the orgasmic Korean/Mexican hybrid.
As more and more people catch on to the Kogi Truck, I find that it's time to move on to something else. Possibly some other gastronomical adventure awaits me if Kogi Truck is becoming normal fare. But I still love it.
Of course, other stuff happened today, like going to watch Nationals! Congrats to Sabrina, Saaya, and the rest of Advance Dance for kicking ass and taking names. Those girls are ridiculously amazing. But Sabrina will probably have full details of their most recent awards, and someone else will recount the adventure. I leave those things to my friends.
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