
Sunday, November 16, 2008

I'm drained.


Blood drive last Thursday, which I should've put something about. I'm late. Apologies to tree who has been on my ass about my blogging lately -__-

Anywho...I actually enjoyed giving blood. It got me out of Bio and gave me some time to just lie down on chill for a little. Much appreciated. Oh, and we all got to skip the earthquake drill. Another plus.

Started off with an awkward questionnaire. I wonder if people actually answer this thing truthfully?
Blood Drive

While we all lay there with our insides dripping into plastic bags, I decided to take pictures. I mean, what else could I possibly do? Yeah, Alex and I had the right idea.
Blood Drive

Cool kids text while giving blood.
Blood Drive

And some kids are just way to excited about the whole thing. Do trees even have blood? o_O
odd uh TREE (6:04:45 PM): odd trees do!
Guess so.
Blood Drive

And of course, the obligatory picture of my noona. Because she always ends up in one of my pictures.
Blood Drive

Did I mention that the greatest thing about blood drives is the food? I sat there for a good thirty minutes stuffing myself silly with cookies, chips, chocolate, and juice crap. Fat and happy.
Blood Drive

Yeahhh not all that exciting. But I felt like putting something up...and I couldn't sleep quite yet. Too much stuff going on.

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