
Monday, December 8, 2008


What's up with people ending things with periods? Words, one-liners, sentences, you name it. Heck, most of the blogs that people my age make have a title that ends in a period (mine included o_O). Is it a strict adherence to grammar rules - a backlash against the terrible grammar that the internet has forced upon us? Maybe it's the finality of it all. Hello. Period. End of story. Don't add anything after, or else you'll lose the dramatic effect of the last statement you just made. Period.

Or are they just plain cool?

Oh well. Period.


  1. A period is like you're declaring it's the end of a sentence. Or that it's the end of a thought, like when you say it. I always just put periods according to how I'm speaking in my head.
    Maybe that's just me. Crazy much?
    Maybe I should just start using more commas, the more appropriate punctuation according to the rule of putting one in whenever you breathe in a sentence. =]

  2. A period is like you're declaring it's the end of a sentence. Or that it's the end of a thought, like when you say it. I always just put periods according to how I'm speaking in my head.
    Maybe that's just me. Crazy much?
    Maybe I should just start using more commas, the more appropriate punctuation according to the rule of putting one in whenever you breathe in a sentence. =]

  3. well following that logic, that would explain why I use so many ellipses...

  4. well following that logic, that would explain why I use so many ellipses...
